Talks & Presentation

Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Clinical Workplace: 2nd Medical Education Conference, 11th June 2012, UCH Education Centre, London

Roundtable: Learning in the clinical workplace. IOE, Researching Learning for Clinical Practice Network and FHNW, 28 May 2012, London (IOE).

Swiss eLearning Conference- Mobile Learning. Presentation: Mobiles Learning in Unternehmen: Konzepte und Erfahrungen,  17 April 2012, Zürich

BIOSTEC 2012, 5th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Egineering Systems and Technologies, Porto, Portugal

eHealth in Swedish Primary Health Care. The international conference on eHealth  February, 1st – 2nd Feb, 2012 in Karlskrona and Kalmar, Sweden.

Vortrag DAH München 2011 (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie): Hands App – Mobiles  medizinisches Konsultations- und Lernsystem

Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie  2011: Hands App – Prozessoptimierung durch Smartphones

E-Health Forum Freiburg 2011: Smartphone basierte interdisziplinäre Behandlungsprozesse in der Notfallmedizin

Eduhub Webinar: Mobile Learning and Co-operation — Concept and first Results from a Clinical Design Research Project, October 20, 2011

Schweizerischer eHealthcare Kongress. Workshop MobileMed. Mobiles medizinisches Konsultations- und Lernsystem. Ergebnisse aus einem KTI-Projekt. 21/22 September 2011, Nottwil

The MobileMed collaboration and learning concept was presented and discussed at the Swiss eLearning Conference 2011 “Worplace Learning” in Zürich, Switzerland.
